

The first Think Tank on Longevity

The first Think Tank on Longevity

In order to learn from the cutting edge, the University of the Algarve within the project "Programme for a Longevity Society" (0551_PSL_6_E) funded by INTERREG V-A, Spain Portugal, (POCTEP), financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), will organise the first Think Tank on Longevity.

Human progress and the resolution of many social and health problems depend mainly on the ability to systematically generate new ideas. In this sense, the Think Tank will be composed of a group of experts in different areas and will feature their reflections on the great challenges and opportunities of our longevity society.

The Think Tank will start with two main themes:

10 July 2020 - "The use of hypoxic methods as diabetes prevention and longevity promotion".

List of invited experts:

João Beckert: Physician, Department of Sports Medicine IPDJ; PhD in Biomedicine from Nova Medical School, focusing on exercise physiology and mathematical modelling of the physiological response to exercise (hypoxia); Researcher at Nova Medical School.

Aritz Urpamdilleta - PhD in Nutrition and Sports Physiology from Miguel Hernandéz University; Professor at the University of Deusto in Anatomy, Biomechanics and Human and Sports Physiology; Researcher in hypoxia performance and health.

Ricardo Silvestre - PhD in exercise physiology from the University of Connenicut; Exercise physiologist at IPDJ, responsible for the CAR JAMOR altitude programme; Main areas of research interest with human metabolism, pre- and post-prandial. Has worked in the field of body weight management and prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases with dietary interventions and exercise.

Hugo Café - Ad Interim Professor - Visiting Assistant at the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Medicine, University of Algarve, Portugal; Specialist in Cardiology at the Private Hospital of Algarve; European Certification (EACVI) in Transthoracic and Transesophageal Echocardiography.

This Think Tank will be broadcast live on Facebook on ABC - Centro Biomédico do Algarve, partner in the organisation of these activities, at 17h00 in Portugal on 10 July. You can access it at: and ask your questions. 

24 July 2020 - "Importance of Municipal Physical Activity Programmes for Older Adults in the National Strategy for the Promotion of Physical Activity".

List of invited experts:

Dra. Luna Peréz

Graduate in Psychology, and postgraduate degree in Health Promotion, specialising in Sexual Health Promotion for the Elderly, from the Andalusian School of Public Health. She has worked as a health promotion technician. In 2011 she was in London, where she had the opportunity to do a Master in International Communication and Development. Back in Andalusia in 2013, she started working as a Health Technician in the Local Action Network of Andalusia (RELAS), initially in the province of Malaga and now in the province of Seville. She is responsible for the development of a Guide for active and healthy ageing.

Vânia Loureiro, PhD

Associate Professor at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Coordinator of the Master in Physical Activity and Health, and Coordinator of the Up Again Senior Project. PhD in Research in Physical Education and Sport Teaching, University of Huelva - Spain, with specialisation in the area of Physical Activity and Health, Researcher of the Physical Activity and Health Laboratory of IPBeja and Member of the Research Group "RG2 - Supportive Environments" of the Institute of Environmental Health (ISAMB) of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon.

Jesús Padilla, PhD

PhD from the University of Huelva, Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. He is a lecturer in the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sports Sciences at the University of Huelva. He is a lecturer in the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and in the Master's Degree in Sport Sciences Research. Researcher in the areas of physical activity in the elderly, education, health and quality of life.

Dr. Bruno Avelar Rosa

He is a member of the team responsible for the National Programme for the Promotion of Physical Activity developed by the Directorate General for Health, an external expert in the field of sport for the European Commission and a partner of Qantara Sports. Among other positions already held, he was a senior technician at the Municipal Sports Institute of the Barcelona City Council (Catalonia, Spain) for three years, and also holds a postgraduate degree in municipal sports management from the University of Barcelona.

The videos will be available on the project's YouTube channel and the expert opinion articles will be available on this website.

These two Think Tanks that will take place in July are organised in partnership with the Scientific Area of Sport Sciences of the School of Education and Communication - UAlg, with the ABC - Algarve Biomedical Center and the CBMR - Centre for Biomedical Research.

These Think Tanks will be broadcast live on Facebook at ABC - Algarve Biomedical Center, at 17h, Portuguese time. You can access them at: and ask your questions.